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On Demand

Mumtaz Chaudhary, CCMP
46 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In today’s competitive business environment, change–as they say–is the only constant. Individuals who want to lead successful careers must develop the capacity to lead and adapt to change. Change is a necessity for survival. Since this pace and intensity are not likely to change, we need to find ways to be resilient in the face of it. What is resilience? Why is it even necessary? Can I become more resilient? The good news is that resilience, like any skill, with practice, can be learned. In this session, we will explore three ways of developing personal resilience at work. Mumtaz will share the “what” and “why” behind resilience and what characteristics distinguish resilient leaders and teams from others. You will come away with actionable strategies and helpful tips for enhancing your resilience and becoming wildly successful in your career.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Katherine Kruse |  Melissa Williams
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In 2015, Mitchell Hamline School of Law launched the first Hybrid JD Program under a variance from the American Bar Association. The program quickly grew to encompass two large sections of entering students each year, making legal education available to persons who wanted to pursue a law degree but could not relocate or leave jobs to attend a traditional part-time program. This disruption of the traditional, lecture-based approach to legal education led to surprising and beneficial results, like the innovation of face-to-face instruction, improved accessibility across all courses, and a head start on the challenge of moving to emergency remote teaching at the advent of COVID-19 pandemic.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Carol Schiro Greenwald, Ph.D.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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This session will show you how to create a networking program focused on activities that are comfortable for you. It will also cover conference networking opportunities and how to plan ahead so that your networking time is both enjoyable and successful.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Keisha Channer |  Virginia Izaguirre |  Mrs. Brandi-Leigh Miller
27 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join subject matter experts for one of the only ACLEA sessions discussing CLE accreditation. This session is geared towards ACLEA members who develop training content and often find themselves navigating the challenging waters of compliance and accreditation. Our panel of experts will discuss how to work with presenters to increase the likelihood of CLE accreditation. You will learn presenter coaching strategies for developing high-quality written materials, and methods for effectively translating CLE rules to presenters in ways they can actually act on. Brandi, Virginia and Keisha will share what they’ve seen work, and what has not. This interactive session will feature live polling so you can share knowledge with your incredible peers. We hope you can join us for this important training session!
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Bernadette J. H. Lawson |  Ms. Amy Danziger Shapiro, Esq.
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Even before COVID-19, CLE providers and marketers were marketing differently and if not, they were at least talking about it. Join us as we talk about adapting on the fly, embracing change and keeping clients engaged.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Dale Ludwig |  Greg Owen-Boger
47 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) bring a depth of experience, credibility, and relevance to instructor-led training. Their contributions and institutional knowledge are immeasurable. Reliance on them in the virtual training environment also brings a certain amount of risk because SMEs are not, in most cases, experts in facilitation. It’s our responsibility then, as learning professionals, to do what we can to help them play to their strengths and coach them to be successful in the virtual training room. In this session, we’ll explore ways to help SMEs succeed. We’ll begin by identifying ways to shape learning events specifically for SMEs and end with non-threatening coaching techniques you can use to help them improve their delivery.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Michael Kahn
52 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Stress has a bad reputation. No news there, but recent research suggests it is your mindset that stress is bad for you that's bad for you. So, seeing stress as helpful, not harmful, is the key to better health. Sure, reducing stress is important, but in this session our focus will primarily focus on how to get better at professional and personal stress.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Lisa Wise
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this session, Lisa will discuss the important things to consider when moving your in-person events to a virtual setting. Lisa loves checklists and project management, so she'll be sharing lists and handy tips to keep it all organized.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Roger Wayne Siebert |  Timothy Slating |  Linda Kruschke |  Kate Rattray
49 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join a panel of four editors from CLE organizations of varying types and sizes to share their full editing process, from when they receive materials from their authors through publication. The hope is to discuss how to make the best possible publication product, regardless of the size of the shop, by making the most of the resources currently available.
$29.00 - $79.00

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On Demand

Heather Gore Liddell |  Joanna Piros
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join a panel of four editors from CLE organizations of varying types and sizes to share their full editing process, from when they receive materials from their authors through publication. The hope is to discuss how to make the best possible publication product, regardless of the size of the shop, by making the most of the resources currently available.
$29.00 - $79.00

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